
Come Visit Us and See Our Beautiful Gardens Anytime of Year!

The Fuquay Mineral Spring Inn and Garden has a traditional landscaping and gardens that complete the historic colonial revival inn. This unique site offers a classical southern garden with mature azaleas and camellias, a majestic Southern Magnolia, crepe myrtles, cannas lilies, wisteria, four o’clocks, and Elizabethan lace capped hydrangea, roses, potted geraniums and many other typical southern plantings. The graceful gazebo offers a cool spot to enjoy. The splashing sounds of the featured fountain whisper of stories from the past.

This local landmark inn and garden feature the landscaping of the 1920’s as designed by original owners, the Cozarts. Pauline Cozart developed this Southern garden establishing Formosa azaleas, various camellias, and one of the largest redbud trees in Wake County. Complementary garden art can be enjoyed through all seasons of the year.

This garden is recognized as a national Wildlife Habitat. The plantings attract birds and butterflies especially in the early spring and late summer. The inn has labeled featured plants with name plates, having both common and scientific names, helping visitors to enjoy a leisurely self-guided tour.

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